Infant Program
6 weeks to 14-16 monthsCurriculum Areas
Our curriculum is based on the CT ELDS (Connecticut Early Learning & Developmental Standards) where we strive to meet their standards in many areas including:
Our Infant Program is designed to stimulate infants cognitively through individualized routines, including physical movement and motor skills, language and literacy development, and social and emotional learning. We prepare our lesson plans on the individual needs of each child and incorporate group time activities.
At the Good Child Development Center, goals for the children include developing:
- A desire to learn and view learning as an ongoing, inclusive experience
- A sound, strong, healthy body
- An appreciation of family, friends, community and the differences among people
Cognitive Learning:
- Encourage learning through play with fun activitives.
- Using all senses to explore their environment.
- Begin to react to new objects and develop new interests.
- Solve simple challenges through observation and repetition.
- Learn to use non-verbal communication to indicate wants, needs and interests.
- Interactive book learning through picture identification.
Language and Literacy Development:
- Learn to respond to hearing own name.
- Learn to respond to positive facial expressions.
- Begin to understand taking turns with conversation.
- Learn to carry out simple directions.
- Speech development using gestures or beginning words.
Physical Movement:
- Encourage development of physical milestones such as head control in various positions and during transitional movements and rolling over in both directions.
- Develop walking such as pull to stand, stand alone, stepping, cruising furniture and pulling a toy.
Gross and Fine Motor Skills:
- Develop gross motor skills using sensory balls by rolling across the floor and rolling after them.
- Develop fine motor skills by using hand held items such as paint brushes with water and paper.
Social and Emotional Learning:
- Form attachment to familiar adults.
- Encourage self soothing behaviors.
- Develop sense of self by recognizing self in mirror.
- Express emotions through facial expressions and gestures.
- Singing and clapping along with songs.
Inquire about Infant Child Care
Daily Schedule
The following is a sample of what our infants here experience each day:
06:45 – 09:00AM – Arrival / free play / Diapering*** / Wash up for breakfast
09:00 – 09:30AM – Breakfast Served *
09:30 – 10:00AM – Activity Time **
10:00 – 11:00AM – Outdoor play / walk
11:00 – 11:30AM – Change Diapers *** / get washed up for lunch
11:30 – 12:30PM – Lunch *
12:30 – 02:30PM – Nap time – naps can be adjusted shorter or longer per child’s needs.
02:30 – 03:00PM – Change Diapers ***/ Wash up for snack
03:00 – 03:30PM – Afternoon Snack *
03:30 – 04:30PM – Activity time **
04:30 – 05:30PM – Free play and departure
*Children are given bottles and food based on their individual schedules. Children transitioning to our Toddler Program will follow the School Meal Times that are posted.
** Throughout the day, we sing songs, read stories, do finger plays, create sensory art, practice crawling, walking, rolling a ball.
*** Diapers are changed every 2 hours, unless they need to be changed sooner.