203 874 8232 [email protected]

Preschool Program

3 to 6 years old

Our Preschool classrooms are designed to engage and foster healthy children through individualized routines, including physical movement and motor skills, language and literacy development, and social and emotional learning. Children are encouraged to be potty trained before entering our Preschool Child Care program.

We prepare our lesson plans on the individual needs of each child and incorporate group time activities. We provide the opportunity for children to benefit from the diversity in our school and the community. We also encourage our families to be involved and share their cultures. Preschoolers must be ages 3 to 6.

At the Good Child Transitional Center, goals for the children include developing:

  • A positive self-image
  • An appreciation and understanding of one’s own talents, skills, and accomplishments
  • A positive attitude and desire toward school
  • How to share one’s abilities and contribute to others in a cooperative way
  • An appreciation for culture and the arts
  • ABA approach while educating students that are in need of support

Curriculum Areas

Our curriculum is based on CT ELDS (Connecticut Early Learning & Developmental Standards) where we strive to meet their standards including:

Cognitive Learning:
  • Experience and understand the cause and effect of different choices and actions.
  • A comprehension of scheduled daily activities and following routines.
  • Take on pretend roles and situations to better understand interaction and role play.
Language and Literacy Development:
  • Reading books together as a group and allowing a kids’ book choice.
  • Learning to sing songs together.
  • Exploring how different communication mediums work such as the newspaper’s weather section, stencils, letter cards, stamps and envelopes.
Physical Movement:
  • Experiencing outdoor play with other children.
  • Playing group activities including “Duck, Duck, Goose!”.
Gross and Fine Motor Skills:
  • Acting out creative play using props.
  • Learning how to build all kinds of structures using our block center.
  • Experiencing playing with different toys like trains and tracks, cars, duplo blocks, tool bench, doll house, etc.
Social and Emotional Learning:
  • Large group activities creating graphed responses to favorite farm animals or foods and learning collaborative singing of songs.
  • Dramatic play will include an introduction to snow clothes, snow clothes free play, snow clothes and “fireplace”, and hot chocolate.
Creative Arts:
  • Preschoolers will create their own art that will include pigs, cows, horses, wishy washy pigs.
  • Explore the visual arts.
  • Winter hat coloring & cotton balls, glitter icicles, snowflake/blizzard with white paint and black paper, snowman plates, free choice for color and paint.
Math and Science:
  • Children will learn how and where we get milk, and the milking of cows, by using gloves use as utters
  • Uses scientific inquiry skills.
  • Learn about snow (bare hands), snow with markers, snow with shovels, make snowballs and snowmen.

Preschool Inquiries

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    Daily Schedule

    The following is a sample of what our Preschoolers here experience each day:
    06:45 – 07:30AM – Arrival / free play
    07:30 – 08:30AM – Learning centers open. Our learning centers are: Library Corner, Dramatic Play Area, Sensory Play, Block Corner, Table Activities (Children may choose what area they want to play in)
    08:30 – 09:00AM – Diapering/toileting – depending on the child’s development
    09:00 – 09:20AM – Snack 
    09:20 – 10:00AM – Activity Time – A planned activity that the children can participate in if they wish. This can be anything from art to gross motor/fine motor skill enhancement.
    10:00 – 10:10AM – Clean-Up Time
    10:10 – 11:00AM – Outdoor play / Great Room when there is inclement weather
    11:00 – 11:20AM – Circle Time – which consists of singing, stories, and music/movement
    11:20 – 11:30AM – Wash hands – lunch preparations
    11:30 – 12:00PM – Lunch
    12:00 – 12:30PM – Lunch clean up / diapering / toileting
    12:30 – 03:00PM – Nap time – naps can be adjusted shorter or longer per the child’s needs.
    03:00 – 03:30PM – Diapering/toileting
    03:30 – 03:50PM – Snack 
    03:50 – 04:00PM – Clean up
    04:00 – 05:00PM – Outdoor play / Great Room when there is inclement weather
    05:00 – 05:30PM – Free play and departure