203 874 8232 [email protected]

Our new identity is more than a colorful, attractive logo…. it is a promise. A promise to the children we care for… a promise to the parents that entrust us with their child… a promise to our teachers and our employees… a promise to the community within which we live and work.

And what is that promise? That we will do our absolute best to stimulate and intellectually nourish every child under our care to be that “good child” that people love to talk about. No, we are not the parents and we could never take the place of that most important role. But your child will be exposed to us from morning to late afternoon and it is our obligation for Good Child Development Center to be the place they will cherish when they look back. A place that prepared them for their school years better than any other development center in the area.

And what is it that we do that is so special? Well, it’s less about us and more about the people we serve. You see, Good Child serves an economically and ethnically diverse community. Every child will be exposed to children from diverse cultures and backgrounds. We like to refer to it as the true face of America. Why is this important? Because the earlier they encounter people of diverse backgrounds, the more they will build understanding and acceptance of each other. The sooner they understand we have more in common than our differences, the sooner they will contribute to a less divisive world. The sooner they will be in a position to teach the rest of us!

Our teachers are also the face of America. You won’t find one color or one particular background. They are teachers that are dedicated to supporting each other while they support your child.

Our notion of Good Child must permeate everything we do. It will help drive every decision. After all:

  • Good Parents Make a Good Child

  • Good Teachers Make a Good Child

  • Good Staff Make a Good Child

  • Good Food Makes a Good Child

  • A Good Mix Makes a Good Child (diversity)

If we do our job right, we prepare our children to be part of a vibrant community in Milford that they will nurture and grow over time. We will be a representation of Milford’s core values, being one piece, but a significant piece of the Good Community of Milford.